In Celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week
Let's be thankful for the business before us, the contacts beside us, and the projects between us.. > RSVP to the NetGiving 2023
We take the month of November to feel and express gratitude for the positive aspects of our lives; celebrating fellowship and the importance of interpersonal relationships.
For many, Thanksgiving is a cultural tradition passed down through generations. Some people use it as a time to engage in acts of kindness and service to others. Many other share a special meal together as a symbol of abundance. And there are some who give thanks to their higher power for the blessings they have received.
But for Entrepreneurs, the Thanksgiving season is also the last break we have to relax and recharge before the busyness of the holiday season and the beginning of the new year.
However you celebrate, during this season take time to reflect on the events and experiences of the past year, contemplate both your challenges and your accomplishments, recognize your personal growth and celebrate your resilience!!
RSVP to the NetGiving 2023 and join the Networking, some riquisimos tamales, pan de muerto and live jazz!!.. Invite your contacts.
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