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A Note From Our Founder

From the many options, why founding a League of Business for Entrepreneurial Enthusiasts?.. Well, I was a happy Jewelry Designer trying to relocate my brand from Juarez to El Paso around 2010 when the sudden change of social atmosphere in both the personal and the professional facets entered my reality and made me realize the importance (and lack) of camaraderie in the community.

So I became obsessed with finding some kind of association where I could meet cool like-minded people and make new friends at the same time, I was rready for a new lifestyle so I joined many groups and associations in both sides of the border for a few years. It was great, but I could see many "points of improvement" not only in the system of every group but in the mindset of the people as well.. to be more specific: my very own mindset and points of improvement.

Long story short; LOB was the result or the sum of every little detail I wrote for years and my natural entrepreneurial impetus. It was not easy to leave my other beloved projects aside to focus on the growth of The League, but I made the best decision. I know it because I can feel it in every thankful word, comment, and gesture I receive from those I have met through this endeavor.

LOB is the kind of movement that I was looking for when I was starting my entrepreneurial journey.

It was 2018 when the opportunity to launch the LOB came along, and I am proud to say that it has been a wonderful journey.

Not only I have met inspiring people, but I have also realized how everything I’ve done in my life is actually connected with everything I do right now. Every successful project and every single failure I’ve had, the good, the bad.. I now understand the purpose and reason behind of it all.

Orgullosamente TexMex.

A little bit about me

My career is of course, a mix of many things that I have learned and done for many years. Jewelry Designer, Brand Developer, Producer, Editor, Cultural Promoter, Creative Entrepreneur, Diplomat, Founder, Writer, Photographer, Image Consultant, Stylist.. and God knows what else.

Professionally I am a purposeful entrepreneur with passion for authenticity and action. Spiritually I am a happy person who found the way to co-exist and co-create in alignment with the natural flow of its own essence. Instinctively I was born free and rebel, never made it to a "normal personality" and never really cared.

If you are reading this blog

You are probably one of the cool people somehow involved or interested in the LOB movement and for that, I am thankful. And certainly proud to be walking this path with you.


"Creo que estamos hechos de lo que pensamos, lo que decimos y lo que hacemos. Somos una mezcla de todo aquello que nos rodea, y al mismo tiempo somos lo que queremos ser ya que elegimos gran parte de eso que nos rodea"

Sandra Arlette Mo.


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Entrepreneurial Club

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